Our fourth Lockton Gets in Gear event took place on World Alzheimer's Day Friday 21st September!
There were over 100 participants that collectively managed to climb in excess of 90,000 metres of the Surrey hills, the equivalent of 11 times the height of Mount Everest. An amazing £70,000 was raised by the team with donations still coming in.
Total climbed: 99,250 (11.2 x Everest)
1 lap: 100 riders
2 laps: 74 riders
3 laps: 21 riders
4 laps: 1 rider (see below)
Queen of the Mountain: Victoria Weaver (XL Catlin)
King of the Mountain: Steve Crabb (Allied World)
Best Carrier Effort: Chaucer
Best Dressed: Neon
Most Stoic Performance: Ian Cooper
Utter Nutter award: Jallani Qureshi (Chaucer) (did 4 laps and rode 20km to the venue and home again after)
Total fundraising amount to be announced soon!